To ensure we prioritise the issues that most influence the decision making of our external and internal stakeholders and have the most impact on our business success, we follow a formal materiality assessment process.
23 March 2021
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To enhance our impact, we actively engage in many multi-stakeholder platforms and initiatives designed to promote sustainability in the coffee & tea sectors. These collaborative partnerships are at the core of our sustainability programme. We believe that the best way to improve coffee & tea sustainability is to drive continuous improvement through partnerships among farmers, cooperatives, exporters, traders, suppliers, roasters, civil society, and governments.
We embrace and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We operate in, and source raw materials from, many developing and emerging markets, and are committed to their socio-economic development.
We contribute significantly to SDGs 1, 8, 12, 13 & 17, which are linked to our most material topics and on which our business activities and initiatives focus accordingly.
We contribute to some extent to SDGs 5, 6 & 10, mainly as a result of our programmes to increase livelihoods in our supply chain, minimise our footprint and endeavour to provide a fair, safe and diverse working environment to our employees.
We contribute only to a limited extent to the remaining SDGs.