Statement on Product Availability in Certain European Markets

13 March 2025

Amsterdam, 13 March 2025

At JDE Peet’s, our consumers’ love for coffee is what drives us. In recent weeks, some of our consumers in The Netherlands and Germany could not find their favourite products on the shelves of certain retailers. We are pleased to report that we have now reached agreements with retailers for 90% of our global sales and are confident that all of our consumers in Europe will soon be able to find our products again on shelves in supermarkets.

Our pricing to supermarkets reflects market conditions, product quality, and our commitments to innovation and sustainability. Our aim has always been, and continues to be, to work with retailers in a spirit of partnership to ensure that our high-quality coffee products loved by our consumers are always made available to them.

Green coffee prices have doubled since last year, mostly due to extreme weather conditions affecting major coffee-producing countries, multiple supply chain disruptions, and broader macroeconomic and geopolitical factors (see for reference these indexes: Robusta Coffee Futures Pricing & Coffee C Futures Pricing). Affordability and availability are essential, and we remain committed to keeping our coffee accessible, ensuring that everyone can enjoy our coffee products. In line with this commitment, we will continue to do everything in our power to balance affordability with quality. Ultimately, supermarkets set consumer prices.

Maintaining fair pricing is critical to ensuring reasonable margins that fuel sustainable growth initiatives. As a category leader, we remain committed to creating value across the entire supply chain, from supporting coffee farmers to delivering consumers and retailers innovative, high-quality, and enjoyable coffee products.

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