JDE Peet’s’ sustainability commitments and achievements are evaluated by various ESG rating agencies. These assessments are based either on our direct engagement with these agencies through questionnaires and in-depth discussions, or on their independent research. The latter often involves analysing the data and information we publish on our website, and in our Annual Report and policies.


Given the significant number of ESG rating assessments available today, we prioritise our participation based on:


  1. Alignment and relevance of the assessment with respect to our strategic priorities and commitments
  2. Robust methodologies and expertise that offer credible validation for stakeholders
  3. Benchmarking against our relevant industry peers to enable stakeholder comparison
  4. Constructive feedback received by the ESG rating agency which helps to improve our performance going forward

This approach ensures we focus on meaningful assessments that support our goals and stakeholder engagement


1. S&P CSA scores companies from 1 to 100, where 100 is the best score
2. ISS scores companies from D- to A+, where A+ is the best score. The Prime Status is awarded to companies with an ESG performance above the sector specific Prime threshold
3. Sustainalytics scores companies from 100 to 0, where 0 is the best score
4. Ecovadis scores companies from 1 to 100, where 100 is the best score
5. CDP Climate Change, Water Security and Forests scores companies from D- to A, where A is the best score

Please find the Principle Adverse Indicators in the file below.